Our XENON platform is the foundation of future clean energy systems. Learn about new features, capabilities or partnerships in the fields of EV charging and home energy management systems.
How APIs unlock the full potential of energy management systems
Discover how APIs enhance an EMS. Learn how gridX’s API helps energy service providers by enabling seamless integration, customization and scalability.
The XENON integration guide
gridX’s asset integration process helps partners find the optimal OEMs and models to create the best results for their products and the energy transition.
5 e-mobility features that make a CPO’s life easier
EV charging can be complicated. But these 5 e-mobility features make charging infrastructure more scalable, cost efficient and user friendly.
Putting electricity time of use tariff to use
Learn how the energy optimization behind a time of use (ToU) tariff works and how it can be applied to different use cases to minimize electricity costs.
How peak shaving benefits the grid and your wallet
Peak shaving is a load management method that minimizes peaks and balances electricity drawn from the grid. Learn how it enhances EV charging and saves money.
Knowledge is power: Scaling customer solutions with energy diagnostics
Advanced energy diagnostics enables comprehensive energy visualization, issue prevention across systems and devices and minimal wasted support effort.
Energy consulting: Taming the digital beast
Digitalization in the energy industry is no easy task. Navigating these multifaceted challenges requires tailored expertise in the form of energy consulting.
Modules - the building blocks for energy applications
Combine our platform modules on XENON to build a custom HEMS, run a fast charging network or develop any use case that involves monitoring and controlling DERs.
Maximize self-sufficiency and minimize PV curtailment with energy forecasting
Energy forecasting makes otherwise unusable PV generation usable, enabling households to maximize self-sufficiency.