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December 1, 2021
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The €2,000 case for dynamic load management

There are three different options when it comes to load management. These vary in complexity and bring different costs and benefits. Read our latest blog post to learn why we have a favorite option.

Unmanaged load curve


One could argue that this option should not even make the list but as it is definitely a common setup we have included it: no management. Here, the charging infrastructure is always given the load it requests. This means all charging points can charge with full power at all times. Sounds great? Well, there's a catch. There is no overload protection so high loads can cause blackouts. Furthermore, the high peaks drive up grid tariffs. So this option is really only suited to operate a small number of charging stations

Statically managed load curve

Static load management

This form of load balancing applies a static cap on the load supplied to your charging infrastructure. Whilst this avoids extreme peaks, it also has significant drawbacks. In periods of low base loads, static load management limits the charging power even though no new peak load would be caused. Moreover, in periods of high base loads static load management does not protect against overloads.

Dynamically managed load curve

Dynamic load management

The most advanced option. Dynamic load management considers the load at the grid connection point in real time and adjusts the load supplied to the charging stations accordingly. This has two significant advantages over the other options. Firstly, peak loads are limited to enable permanent overload protection. Secondly, the charging power is only limited in periods of high base loads. This ensures that EVs can always charge with the maximum load while no new peaks are caused. This way you can operate more charging points on your existing infrastructure, save on grid tariffs and never worry about overloads.

So what does this mean in practice?

Dynamic load management allows you to save on two ends:

  • Save €50,000 upfront – Without load management charging infrastructure can quickly double your previous peak load. Most likely this exceeds the capacity of your grid connection point. An extension of the grid connection is expensive. Depending on the exact circumstances the costs amount to more than €50,000.
  • Save up to €2,000 per charging point annually – Your grid operator applies a charge to each kW of the highest peak load you recorded in a year. Usually, around €100 per kW of peak load are billed. A normal charge point supplies 21 kW. This means without any load management a single charge point can cause around €2,000 of grid tariffs per year.

Get started

With our Grid Protector Module it is easier than ever to configure a dynamic load management solution. Take it even further and actively reduce peaks with the Peak Shaver Module by engaging local PV systems and batteries – get in touch with our sales team to learn more about the system.

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