Making heat pumps sexy: Firing up temperatures and savings

While solar panels and EVs are often seen as the "sexy" assets of the energy transition, heat pumps quietly play a crucial role behind the scenes. With dual functionality, exceptional efficiency, and seamless integration with renewable energy systems, heat pumps are indispensable to achieving a sustainable future. Paired with an advanced EMS, they unlock holistic energy-saving solutions that are as impactful as they are essential.

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How to avoid the utility death spiral

To decarbonize oil and gas, the utility business model must change. Learn how companies can avoid the utility death spiral and make the switch to clean energy

Buy low. Sell high.

Electricity prices vary a lot throughout a day. With smart energy management consumers can shift their loads to off-peak periods – saving costs and emissions.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. – Circular economy in the energy sector

The three Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle – can be used to apply the circular economy to the energy sector and ensure the energy transition is a success

Enabling energy democracy with digital solutions

Empowering end users with digital solutions increases energy democracy, or public participation, and encourages more flexible and balanced consumption.

Energy consulting: Taming the digital beast

Digitalization in the energy industry is no easy task. Navigating these multifaceted challenges requires tailored expertise in the form of energy consulting.

Knowledge is power: Scaling customer solutions with energy diagnostics

Advanced energy diagnostics enables comprehensive energy visualization, issue prevention across systems and devices and minimal wasted support effort.

Germany's duck curve – Integrating renewables into smart grids

California’s duck curve is now a canyon curve due to high solar production. The same is happening in Europe. Learn why demand-side flexibility is the key.
Life at gridX

Workation - Combining work and vacation

Workation improves mental health, reduces stress and prevents burnout. gridX employees are able to work up to 70 days a year abroad in the EU.

Why energy flexibility is still only provided by large-scale power plants

Regulation must be the catalyst to bring energy flexibility to small-scale renewable assets and maximize self-sufficiency.
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