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October 16, 2024


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The term prosumer derives from a combination of the words "producer" and "consumer". Prosumers usually produce and store energy themselves – typically with photovoltaic (PV) systems, or rooftop solar panels and batteries – while also consuming the self-generated energy through heat pumps or electric vehicles. 

Prosumers still remain connected to the central grid as a backup source of electricity. Depending on the amount of electricity generated, this energy can either be used to offset monthly bills or sold back as surplus to utilities or other energy distribution services. This model can be applied to both residential and commercial prosumers, with more and more businesses integrating their solar panels and EV fleets into the grid.

The change from consumer to prosumer

Energy consumers used to be passive and receive an annual bill and not think about it. As a result of decentralization, increasing energy prices and the energy transition, this is changing. It empowers users to take control of their own energy consumption and production and maximize self sufficiency.

Household prosumers

In a household, prosumers can combine local energy generation such as small-scale rooftop solar with small-energy consuming devices like EVs or a heat pump. This allows them to produce electricity for their own use while also having the possibility to feed the surplus back into the grid. For example electricity generated by rooftop solar can be used to charge the owner’s EV.

Industrial or large-scale prosumers

Industrial or large-scale prosumers describe industrial or commercial buildings that are equipped with large-scale renewable energy resources  such as solar panels. Industrial or large-scale prosumers play an important role in the energy market as they showcase how usage of on-scale renewable energy resources can energize even large commercially or industrially used complexes.

The importance of visualization, transparency and control

As a prosumer that consumes self generated energy it is crucial to keep an overview of the energy flows, consumption and generation. Web and mobile applications are the best way to visualize these and control all connected assets and manage the individual energy flows on a digital interface. These applications also ensure full transparency as they draw insights from generated data and provide a comprehensive and intuitive overview of the system metrics.