Install an energy manager alongside energy devices
Offer your customers peace of mind, not complexity. Empower them to manage all energy assets in a single app, guarantee the lowest-cost electricity and the highest self-sufficiency, while enabling them to automatically comply to regulation.
Partner with a gridX-affiliated EMS provider today.
Turn regulation into revenue not complexity
Increase value for your customers with an energy management systems (EMS) that intelligently optimizes the energy flows between their household assets. Minimize costs, maximize comfort, comply with §14a EnGW or §9 EEG and upgrade them to include services like dynamic tariffs at any time.
Integrate or retrofit common asset types
Connect assets (PV inverters, batteries, heat pumps or EV chargers) from different manufacturers to a single platform, and retrofit existing systems.
1. Activate Modbus TCP or EEBus on each device. 2. Connect the energy gateway via LAN cable and run the automated scan. 3. Set a role for each device foundThat’s it! Easily follow the detailed commissioning guide for each gridX-supported device.
Our robust HEMS provides real-time, §14a-compliant, tariff-agnostic optimization, meaning customers can upgrade to a dynamic tariff from any provider at any time without being bound to the HEMS service provider.
Increase transparency. Maintain control.
View all systems at a glance on your administration dashboard – resolve issues from afar, troubleshoot proactively and stay on top of your customers’ asset performance. Let your customers view their savings via an advanced mobile app.
Choose the features you need
Adapt to different regulatory requirements, market conditions and user preferences by choosing the use cases that suit you and your customers.
Match with your ideal partner and start maximizing value for your customers today.